Two Fine Lovers

The Adventures of BunnyCat

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Get the Balance Right

Yesterday was my last day at work. (harveys was last friday). I am so happy to be moving on from this place, but i am so thankful for my time here too. Im thinking of all the wonderful souls i was privledged enough to care for. They are such a light to me, such inspiration. The strenght that those men and women posess...When i feel that i am facing a tough time - i just think of them and know that i can do it.

Katrina has Harvey and I stunned. We have been watching the news coverage with heavy hearts - as we feel that we want to know, we want to see..
but we still feel utterly helpless. I am especially upset by this and i am not sure why - it feels more personal to me than other recent disasters. Perhaps is because its my southern neighbors, and i am swollen with southern pride. Mississippi is the state that i was born in, but i have never spent any time of memory there.. I just ache for those people.. and the beauty and history of that area that has taken such a blow.

Seeing what those people are surviving makes our plight a lot smaller. Its good to get perspective and come out of myself.. focus on the bigger things. That feels like such a funny thought sitting here surrounded by material possessions in boxes wondering if they will survive the move. Suddenly i am not so worried about my favorite red platter. It just does not matter.
i DID NOT mean to rhyme that.

Perhaps the next post will be from home. Nashville, TN.


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